Sjaak van Schie,
be surprised by beauty
Sjaak van Schie BV
Schenkeldijk 8
2676 LD Maasdijk
The Netherlands
T +31 (0)174 520465
E Sjaak van Schie BV
Quinta das Cepas
Estrada Nacional 4
St. Isidro de Pegões
2985-154 Portugal
T +351 265898980
E Get in touch with one of our staff members?

Rob Passchier
+31 (0)174 52 04 65
Roel van Schie
Operations director
+31 (0)174 52 04 65
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Mike van Schie
Commercial director / Sales young plants
Natalia Agneza
Sales flowering
+31 (0)174 52 04 65
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Sam Dubbeldam
Sales flowering
Anja van Staalduinen
Sales backoffice

Joy Heijboer
Sales backoffice
Daan Duijvestijn
Crops manager
Marcel Vreugdenhil
André Husslage
Planningoffice & Energy
Raymond Talle
Technical support
Maaike Burger
Marketing & Communications
+31 (0)174 52 04 65
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Sjaak van Schie
+31 (0)174 52 04 65
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